Dagenham Park Church of England School

DP6 is a successful and inclusive sixth form where sixth formers achieve their potential and academic goals are a priority. We offer outstanding A Level and BTEC teaching and our achievement places us among the top sixth form providers of this region. Our student’s progression onto university is exceptional and includes the Russell Group of universities including Oxbridge and the University of Arts London. This success is a compliment to the commitment, drive and effort of our students as well as the highly qualified and caring teachers.

Our enrichment programme, first-rate facilities, work experience placements and DP6 preparation for university programme all guide and support our students onto their desired next steps. Our DP6 Sporting Academies enable athletes to develop sports skills and performance while stretching and challenging academically, this provides the opportunity to pursue global higher education destinations and or professional level playing.

DP6 students are valued and offered opportunities to cultivate the right values as role models and prepare for life in the 21st century. Students develop not just academically but holistically through Christian Ethos, life skills, philanthropy, trips, sport, arts festivals and social events which build transferable skills such as communication, team and leadership skills.

As our slogan says below, we at DP6 are honoured to be working with our inspiring students. We are extremely proud of what our Alumni have achieved at DP6. Now you have the privilege and opportunity to join our successful sixth form.

“A privilege for you, an honour for us!” 

What we offer

DP6 offers well-qualified, excellent and caring teachers who will stretch and challenge you to achieve the best grades possible.


There is a broad curriculum which offers a range of subjects and courses that will suit your career path as well as your learning style.  There is also additional subjects such as Extended Project Qualification Level 3 and Core Math – good for supporting Economics, Psychology, Chemistry and Biology students with Math content in their subjects. These are beneficial for  increasing your UCAS points when applying to university.

 “Studying at DP6 is simply an amazing journey with an extraordinary outlook consisting of life-changing opportunities, inspiring teaching, enthusiastic staff and just a tremendous amount of fun.

Thank you DP6!”

Kathryn Indrapally

Sports Academies

Talented sports DP6 students have the opportunity to trial for our two sports academies which include the DP6 Basketball Academy and Barking Football Club.

Both of these enable athletes and scholars to develop sports skills and performance while stretching and challenging academically, this provides the opportunity to pursue global higher education destinations and or professional level playing.

You will be able to complete your studies while receiving first class training and matches in these sports.

Please see the relevant tab to find out more.

“Dagenham Park has provided me with amazing opportunities such as The Queen Mary University Economics taster day.
I have also taken part in enrichment gaining my Duke of Edinburgh Award, which has taught me additional skills like leadership and resilience.”

Nicolae Popescu
“Dagenham Park is a great environment with very friendly people, they are extremely welcoming and kind, I would know this because I joined DP6 from another school.
Although I was new, everyone accepted me and welcomed me into their friendship groups.
Furthermore, Dagenham Park sixth form offers many opportunities to enrich every individual with life skills for example cooking on a budget, which will help me make nutritional meals in the future, when I am a student at university.”

Rafaella Maniago

Aspirational Academic & Career Programmes

The DP6 team and Academic Mentor support students to stay ‘on track’ and maximise their attainment.  Students receive outstanding Information, Advice and Guidance on applying to university or apprenticeships and have the opportunity to take part in the DP6 preparation for university ‘aspiration programme’ throughout year 12 with links to Kings College, UCL, LSE and UAL.

All students attend trips to London’s prime UCAS and Apprenticeship Fairs at Olympia and the Emirates and are helped to apply for student work experience placements that will give them the edge! The DP6 Higher Education Week where students are led by the DP6 team, teachers and DP6 alumni guides students on how to apply to university and pays for their applications. For the last 3 years 100% of our students have progressed onto universities studying a range of courses which include Medicine, Economics, Architecture, Drama, Optometry, Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Zoology and more, but there is a growing interest in good quality apprenticeships which DP6 supports. Our links with Citi Bank, North East London Foundation NHS Trust and the BHR Hospitals Trust have provided excellent work experience placements.

At DP6 we run an ambitious careers strategy which enables students to develop positive attitudes to work, confidence, leadership, independence and raised career aspirations. Students have the opportunity to take part in a number of work related experiences. These include the Young Enterprise ‘Teams’ and ‘Company’ programme where students create and run their own business under the guidance of a business volunteer. As well as ‘Take the Lead’ an employability programme run by The Old Vic, London, which builds on five core skills: communication, self-management, self-belief, team work and problem solving. These programmes are intended to give DP6 students the best chance in a rewarding future.

Enrichment Activities

  • Enrichment currently offered:
  • PDE (Statutory)
  • Ivy House leadership programme
  • Debate Mate
  • Coding
  • Yoga
  • Equalities group
  • Needlework and sewing
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Dance
  • Languages
  • JLT (Junior Leadership Team)
  • Mark Evison Foundation
  • Athletics Academy
  • Basketball Academy
  • Football
  • Fantastic opportunities for music.
  • Employability workshops to develop CV writing.
  • Interview Skills Master Class.
  • Eucharist Assemblies.
  • Sports tournaments.
  • AS Community languages.
  • Inspire Arts Festival.
  • Cookery on a student budget.
  • Duke of Edinburgh.
  • Christian Ethos Trip to St Paul’s Cathedral/Westminster Abbey.
  • Inspirational Speakers from leading UK and Global companies.
  • British Values trip to The Houses of Parliament.

And much more…

Throughout the DP6 enrichment programme students are trained in job application and interview skills. This includes wellbeing, SKYPE techniques, life skills such as budgeting, living away from home and staying safe in the 21st century.

“Without the help of DP6, I would never have had the opportunity to challenge myself.
The Aspiration Programme has allowed me to gain a place on the UCL Realising Opportunities Programme and led to me push my limits in order to achieve the best possible grades and move on to Higher Education after Sixth Form.”

Anu Adesanya

Financial Support

There is a bursary available for those students who meet a criteria, and have excellent attendance.

DP6 pays for all of its students UCAS applications.

“DP6 is a sixth form that puts the focus on the students.
They aim to support students in any way they can with academic mentors and teachers who work hard to bring out the best in their students.
I have made the most of year 12 through my scientific interests. My EPQ project was based on the topic of Proton Beam Therapy and I have just returned from Nasa in Florida where I witnessed The SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launch, an experience I will never forget!”

Salamatu Fofanah

Campus Facilities

Campus Facilities


