Dagenham Park Church of England School



At our school we are committed to preparing our pupils for life and work in modern Britain. Careers education, information and guidance plays a critical role in preparing our learners for the next stage of their education, training or employment and is an integral part of pupil entitlement and learning here at Dagenham Park.

All careers information is presented in an impartial manner and includes information on the full range of post 16 and post 18 pathway options and promotes the best interests of the learners to whom it is given.

Through a planned programme of careers education, extracurricular enrichment and one to one guidance, we are committed to providing the appropriate activities and experiences to empower our pupils to make well informed decisions and successful transitions from key stage 3 to key stage 4, from key stage 4 to key stage 5 and onto further education, apprenticeships/traineeships or employment.

Careers Lead


At Dagenham Park School we actively encourage and inspire young people to take ownership of their career plans and to consider all options open to them, so they can select the best way forward for their aspirations, abilities, interests and learning styles.

All staff actively encourage students to think broadly and ambitiously about their future education and careers options and to consider current labour market conditions, to ensure learners make well informed decisions. This is strengthened and sustained by our continuing partnerships with employers, education providers, career advisors and alumni. Working in partnership with local employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers ensures learners begin to develop networks.


Careers lessons are explicitly delivered through PDE lessons to all year groups but also all departments within the school have careers embedded in their planning to ensure students can link their learning to possible future careers. In PDE pupils will use the Unifrog platform to support their learning and future planning.

Enrichment and Cultural Capital

Careers in the curriculum is enhanced with a vibrant programme of enrichment. Each year we host a careers and education fair for pupils in year 10 to 13 to attend. Many employers, universities and colleges attend this event. We run trips and workshops regularly throughout each year with partners such as KPMG, Heinz, Uni Connect, London Higher and Digdata.

The schools Most Able programme offers additional opportunities for pupils such as trips to universities and face to face work experience. In years 10 and 12 all pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a one-week face to face work experience. In years 10 to 13 pupils are given the opportunity to engage with the Construction Youth Trust Programme. This is specifically aimed at pupils who have an interest in exploring careers within the construction industry.


Please head to the list of suggested links for further guidance. This list is helpful to both parents and pupils. If you are in need of any further support of guidance please contact Nikki Woodfin at the school.

Further Information

Websites for Parents / Carers and Pupils

General Careers Advice, Guidance on Pathways such as Apprenticeships, A Levels, T Levels, Traineeships, University, College: -

Aspire | Aspire (upreach.org.uk)

Spotlight on Careers (canapii.com)

Information and Resources for Young People | LLEP


NTLT - Vocational Pathways | CEC Resource Directory (careersandenterprise.co.uk)

Careerpilot : Parent zone

Free Online Skills And Careers Courses - Youth Employment UK

Recruit and retain young people toolkit | NHS Employers

Amazing Apprenticeships

RateMyApprenticeship: Apprenticeships, School Leaver Jobs & Reviews

The Careers & Enterprise Company | The Careers and Enterprise Company

Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service

An example of our growing List of School Partners for Careers Education, Information and Guidance: -

About Work Experience | BEP Group

KPMG in the UK - KPMG United Kingdom

Mace Group | Mace

Unifrog - The complete destinations platform.

Home - Digdata - a Data Inspiration Group programme

London East Careers Hub (careershub-east.london)

About - London Higher

Young Enterprise | Leading UK Charity | Empowering Young People (young-enterprise.org.uk)

STEM Learning

Welcome to the Barbican | Barbican

LifeSkills | Developing work and life skills (barclayslifeskills.com)

Take the Lead | Old Vic Theatre

Construction Youth Trust | Building Brighter Futures



